
Showing posts from May, 2011

It Gonna Rain!

"The weather in the cascades is actually quite predictable. It is either raining, or just about to." -- Fred Beckey Especially in Spring. But with the opening of the Highway 20, how can anyone resist going into the Rugged North Cascades? Robert and I certainly couldn't, even thought the forecast called for light rain on Saturday, a light clouds/rain on Sunday and an uncertain forecast for Memorial day. We wanted something that would take three days, with a day of approach. Approaching in light rain won't be that bad, right? So it began a not-quite-epic weekend has led me to a higher appreciation of the term 'water proof'. We started in light mist, in high spirits. With not much to slow down our skinning. The higher we went, the colder, cloudier, and snowier it got. Easy Pass offered a break for food, grey mistiness. And enough time to let our imaginations run wild with the sound of liquid rock and snow shooting down the North face acros

Vuelta de los abismos

Shuksan. North Cascades Gem. Its steep and glorious north/northwest face is a classic ski descent, via any route. And new routes and variations appear every year, it seems. One week ago, Dan skied a line that had been obvious to all who desire steep. The line doesn't even have a proper name yet. I learned this right before convincing Robert to join in the project. Makes it easier, knowing that it is possible. But now, I'm in my bivy looking up at the wild stars. They're better when Bellingham's lights go to sleep. I should sleep too... alas, I don't seem to be able to sleep before going up Shuksan. And the last time I skied was 3 months ago, on Shuksan . Then shoulder surgery. Then recovering. Then some climbing. Then no climbing. Stupid shoulder. Stupid cars hitting bicyclists. Its 1am. I'll be skiing tomorrow instead. Something steep. I'll have to practice skiing again. In my mind. I imagine jump turning, the steepness, the route.  Its 2. Maybe? I'm