How to ski powder with some #powderpoet

Think of it as riding down one wave.
And up the other side. Allowing you to go forward.
Try for a goal of getting 3 really good full-periods of the wave
Three really flowing motions.

Where each one, you allow gravity's tug to pull you down.
And you let it.
But only briefly.
For you are on the steep of the wave.
You are want to remain at speed,
not allowing descent to claim you

You steal the energy of your speed into your legs.
You transfer the energy into the sprays of snow.
Crystaline shimmering around you.

As you change course.
Your knees bend upwards
as they return the energy that was stored
in their tensioned strength

You make three of these turns

Each one you start and bypass the innate fear of falling
your embrace the tug of gravity,
and allow it to pull you downwards,

so you may jump within the snow to make it spread in the air like it were water.

Three of three turns you
You fall and rise like a pendulum in a swing.
arcing to the left,
arcing to the right.

And, once you've gotten 3 turns,
beautiful in their crescents
Play to seize more turns.
Ever increasing
The length of your unbroken lines.

And that is all I might be able to describe to you about this while not in person.
So I hope these words find you with a better idea of how you wish to ski.

Apply these words to the way you ski.
Think of yourself skiing like that movie.
And you will!

For You


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